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About the 106th Fleet™

Founded (RL) February 10, 2010 9:29pm MDT (<IG> September 20, 2410 3:25am SD 87718.20)

GAME DAY LAUNCH: February 2, 2010

Exquisiteness and Profusion "plus" Distinction and Veracity; working together, hand in hand...

"Knowledge is power!"

Recruitment   106th Needs You!

After all...  

William T. Riker Q

Can't be wrong!

The 106th Fleet...

We are a tight-knit family within the online galaxy of "Star Trek Online".  Our most defining characteristic is that we all love Star Trek and this is where we choose to come together to share that love.

We are serious at times, we are funny at times.  We argue, converse, laugh, and discuss.  We have some pretty interesting conversations and deliberations.

We love to have fun as a fleet.   We know how to PvE and have members who are VERY GOOD at what they do in the "Player vs. Environment" realm.  We aren't much up on the "die hard" side of PvP.  We do PvP occationally but it is on the very casual side of it.

We are an adult focused fleet.  We can be clean minded one minute and dirty minded the next.  You just never know what is going to happen next with us!

The 106th Fleet is not a "democracy".  The final decisions of any action concerning the fleet and it's members are that of the Fleet Founders.  This does not mean that we don't listen to our members.  All ideas are considered but not all ideas are adopted.

We are a smaller sized fleet.  In the 106th Fleet, you won't feel like just a number as many of the larger fleets make most feel.  You won't be "lost through the cracks" here.

Lastly, we give fleet promotions based off of a member's contribution to the fleet holdings/projects.  The more you donate, the higher fleet rank you get!

--- Mission Statement ---

The 106th Fleet was commissioned as a diverse fleet with varying capabilities to best suit the needs of Starfleet and the Federation. While some fleets focus on defense or scientific duties, the 106th prides itself on being able to fill multiple niches within Starfleet, carrying out the mission of exploration and research while maintaining the strength to confront any and all threats. We are THE premiere fleet in the Federation.

--- Commitment to Fellow Fleet Members ---

We will be courteous and respectful in all interactions with fellow fleet members and the community.  We will support and value each other's roles as members of the 106th Fleet.  We will foster a "goal setting" environment and focus on obtaining results for/from all members of the fleet.  We are here to work together for common goals.

--- To meet this commitment as a fleet, each of us will... ---

  • Be responsible for our own attitudes.
  • Take responsibility for creating trust & respect between fellow members and ourselves.
  • Be open to suggestions for improvement, including constructive feedback.
  • Find ways to affirm our fellow fleet members' contributions and expertise.
  • Be generous with our skills and abilities by educating others in new ideas and/or techniques.

 **Click Here for more information on the 106th Fleet**
You can join our public in-game chat channel by joining "Argus_Array" (without the quotes)

"The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie, deliberate, contrived and dishonest, but the myth, persistent, persuasive and unrealistic."
- June 11, 1962

John F. Kennedy


 Current Fleet Admirals and Admiral XOs
  Lifetime Members

Fleet Admiral
Fleet Admiral
Fleet Admiral
Lyta Grayston@urahara1987

Commission Date

February 10, 2010


Commission Date

April 23, 2014


 Commission Date

July 25, 2023
Honorary Retired Fleet Admirals
Fleet Admiral (Retired)
Jax Amnell Rahl@Klyph_terak

ENLISTED 2/10/2010
RETIRED 1/2/2013


Commission Date
March 31, 2013


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