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Bank & Salaries

All bank permissions can be found in-game by going to the bank and clicking the "Permissions" button for each tab. 



Salaries must be taken out daily (if any given). They do not roll over. This is out of our control unless STO changes how bank permissions are laid out.

General Bank Rule: If you have access to it, its yours.  There is no need to ask for it.



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©June 2010 106th Fleet™

Disclaimer: This document may be changed or updated at any time to allow for clarification, corrections for gramatical and spelling errors, revisions to the structure or anything else deemed appropriate by the fleet adminstrators.

Due to the extreme need for traces and R&D's lack of resourses to aquire these samples this tab will now be retricted as stated above.  R&D will fullfill your request for crafting or anything the fleet requires to be crafted...
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